Sunday, November 9, 2008

How to change PodBot names and remove skill and pod tag


Podbots are the most popular bots for the game Counter Strike 1.6 and for CSCZ. These bots are very famous for their headshots. Read related stuff here.


The names of the PodBots by default are shown as [PoD] fname_lname (99). This name may disturb you a lot especially the skill value in the brackets. You can remove these tags by just changing the value of the following cvar pb_detailnames.

Where to go:

Go to the podbot installation directory. This will be addons\podbot\ folder generally. Open the file podbot.cfg with wordpad. You can see some lines with # before them. The # before them indicates that it is a comment in that language and it is not considered while executing the config file. You can see some commands with some values after them which does not have a comment in the beginning of the line, these are the actual executed commands.

What to do:

You can see some commands explained there. You can understand them to change the other settings of the podbots. Now, for the names sake you need to go to the line

pb_detailnames 1

This line decides whether or not the names to be displayed with the skill and the tag [PoD]. You can change this to 0 to remove the two skill and the tag. The name changes from "[PoD] name (100)" to "name"

Now, Save and close the podbot.cfg file

How to change the Names:

You need to open the file botnames.txt present in the same folder as the podbot.cfg. Open the botnames.txt file and you can see some lines with # at the beginning and some lines with out the #. The lines without the # consist of some names. Names of Hollywood heroes and Heroines by default. You can change these lines to your own, but make sure that you only change those characters and no line is deleted.

just remove the old name put what you want. You can put some nick names what your friends use. And when they join your server they just wonder who the other player is.

Bot Auto Kill and Auto Kill Delay:

In the podbot.cfg itself you can see a command like this pb_autokill 0 and pb_autokilldelay 45. You can change to these pb_autokill 1 pb_autokilldelay 1. This will make the server kill the podbots automatically when all the human players are killed. Auto kill delay is the time after which they should be killed when they are the only ones left.


This is just a mode in which PodBots use only knives it seems. You can turn this on by the command pb_jasonmode 1

1 comment:

  1. Hi Friends !!
    now you can easily removed ATOM link , HOME link and POWRED by link from your blogspot. remove from blog. enjoy : )
