Saturday, November 8, 2008

How to change the Config .cfg files and AMX Mod X Plugin Source.sma files

How to Open:
You can always open any file in the operating system windows with wordpad or notepad. These are called basic text editors. The notepad is much more basic than the wordpad. It is always easier and better to open a file in notepad but if you want it to be clear and formatted, then you can open it in wordpad.

What is a Config .cfg File!
The files with the extension .cfg are called as config files which will be taking part in configuring the game as the user needs it. These files will contain a number of commands and configuration variables and their values. You can edit these variables and commands by changing the text. This should be done only if you are well aware of what to do and what you are doing.

What are .sma Files!
.sma files are the program source files of the AMX Mod X pluigns. These sources are compiled and the output file .amxx is used for modification of the game. These pluigns are written in languages like c++, pawn etc. You can create your own source or .sma files by writing a program referring to the AMX Mod X Documnetation and in the amx studio which is created when you install the amx mod x with the installer. It will provide you good information about the functions available and what they do. These files can be seen in your installation in the folder cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting, or any other folder where you installed the addons.

AMX Mod X Docuentation:
The AMX Mod X Documentaion will provide the complete information of available commands and thier uses. These functions are those present in dlls which come with amx mod x. You can write your own plugins like CSDM, GunGame etc if you are very good at programming. All you need to do is start writing a program in wordpad or notepad and finally save it as .sma file in addons\amxmodx\scripting and run the compile.exe in the same folder. See for the errors and correct them. If you are successful, people start playing your mod, very similar to CSDM and GunGame.

Some functions in AMX dlls look like this:
  • get_user_armor
  • get_user_ammo
  • get_user_authid
  • get_user_weapon
  • get_user_health
These are used to input in the program.

And some commads for editing configs:
  • con_color "255 255 255" - Changes the color of the text appearing in chat to "255 255 255" which is RGB. You can ahve your own values not more than 255.
  • cl_rughthand 1/0 - whether to use right hand or not.
This is the config I use to play back demos
  • echo "Demo Playback Config Loaded"
    echo "----------------------------"

    bind "KP_END" "host_framerate 0.001"
    bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "host_framerate 0.005"
    bind "KP_PGDN" "host_framerate 0.0075"
    bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "host_framerate 0.01"
    bind "KP_5" "host_framerate 0.00; dem_pause 0"
    bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "host_framerate 0.03"
    bind "KP_HOME" "host_framerate 0.04"
    bind "KP_UPARROW" "host_framerate 0.05"
    bind "KP_PGUP" "host_framerate 0.06"
    bind "KP_MINUS" "dem_jump -10; dem_pause 0"
    bind "KP_PLUS" "dem_jump 10; dem_pause 0"
    bind "KP_INS" "dem_pause 1"
    bind "KP_SLASH" "dem_jump -60; dem_pause 0"
    bind "*" "dem_jump 60; dem_pause 0"
    alias vote amx_votemapmenu
I think you can understand the keys and their uses from this. You can change the framerate in demos with a tap on your keyboard. Whole numpad is used as the controller for the demo playback. It is great to use. paste it in your userconfig.cfg It will help you greatly.

For more such config segments see other posts on this blog.

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