What To Do:
Here is a package consisting of a profile named Temp and the folder contains saved files more than 50 in number. Just Download it. Extract the files. These saves are named in the game, according to the place. But these files appear as just normal files in the folders. Like Save0.SAV, Sav50.SAV etc... You can see a folder named Temp. Just Copy Paste it in POP3Profiles folder of your POP3 The Two Thrones installation. These files are from a profile played at normal difficulty level. This profiles is not complete too. If you have the completed Profiles you can upload that in a file sharing website like Rapidshare, Megaupload and put the download link here as a comment to this post.
Download POP3 TTT Profiles:
Download Link: POP TTT Profile
The Saved files are named as follows in the game Prince of Persia The Two Thrones, the first is the latest save.
- The King's Road
- The Royal Workshop
- The Canal
- The City Gardens
- The Upper City
- The Plaza
- The Bowery
- The Market District
- The Market Palace
- The Temple
- The Temple Roof Tops
- The Balconies
- The Arena Tunnel
- The Arena
- The Lower City
- The Tunnels
- The Ruined Palace
- The Trapped Hallway
- The Throne Room
- The Palace
- The Palaca Balcony
- The Fortress
- The Royal Chambers
- The Ruined Palace
About the Profile:
Firstly, the Profile is for the game Prince of Persia The Two Thrones (POP 3 TTT). The profile has saves up to the state where the prince rides the Horse Cart for the second time. That is just after the escape from the Burning Building. There is a Save just after the Burning Building. Here the Horse Cart ride starts. You need to complete the Horse Cart ride, then you will face two enemies. One with an Axe Kind of Weapon and the Other with a Sword. You will just have the Dagger.
Comming to the Life, Combos, Powers, Attacks and Sand Tanks. You have all the six Sand Tanks Available, Activated and Filled. The Life bonus is gained twice. More than 200 Sand Credits. The Eye of Storm, Slow Down Time, power is available. It can be used by Tapping "R" key in the keyboard. The Block+R gives attack in all directions. This can be used when you are surrounded by many enemies. Almost all the Sand Gates are closed and may be some are left. So, some of the powers may be missing in this profile given here.
Some of the save files may be missing, but the stating and the state described are the two extremes present in this package of save under the profile Temp. The Profiles.DAT file is also included in this package. The actual name of the profile was DMSS. So, check it out in case if any problem is created.