Monday, October 6, 2008

Counter Strike Setting up a HLTV Proxy and Recording HLTV Demos

What is HLTV Proxy and Why:
  1. HLTV Proxy is a tool to braodcast league matches which are password protected.
  2. With this people all around the world can see the league match held by ESWC or WCG or CPL or any other Organization.
  3. The HLTV Proxy connects to a server and allows spectators to connect to itself. Like this it is broadcasting the protected game to everyone.
  4. Takes the view from the server and shows it to the users connected to the Proxy itself.
  5. Virtually you the spectator of the server put up by the organization.

Set up a HLTV Proxy:

Firstly you need to make ammendments in the HLTV configuration file named hltv.cfg.
  1. You see a line like this hostname "HLTV Proxy"
  2. If you like it, leave it. Else change it to your own name.
  3. This name appears in the list if servers in the Spectate Tab of the game.
  4. In case of LAN, the HLTV Proxy also appears in the LAN Tab itself.
  5. You see a line like this name "Speactators in HLTV"
  6. If you like it, leave it. Else change it to your own name.
  7. This name appears in the Score Board of the game.
  8. When the professional players press Tab to see thier score, this name appears in speactators list.
  9. You see a line like this delay 30.0
  10. This line will make the game delayed by 30 seconds in the broadcast. If you dont want the delay, make it 0.

You can access the application from this executable file hltv.exe. This will open a small command window, or console where you are allowed to give commands.

  1. Very similar to connecting to a game, type the ip and port of the game server to connect to. Example connect ( Ip is in case of LAN)
  2. Now your HLTV Proxy is connected to your game the server.
  3. People can see your game by joining the HLTV Proxy. But your server will be still password protected.
  4. Isn't this really cool!

Recodring Demos:

  1. I have already explained how to record noraml demo in the previous post.
  2. Recording demo here is verymuch similar
  3. Just type record "filename"
  4. This will record HLTV demo.

The great advantage of HLTV Demo is that it is Multi Point View. Means you can see in any view as a spectator in normal game. This is the reason why HLTV Proxies are widely used in private servers also.

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