Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Counter Strike Dedicated Intranet Web Server For Psychosts

This is the post in which I wanted to give some information on how to set up an intranet server in a LAN and how to set up a Psychostats Server.

In many LANs it would be great to have a website setup for the Counter Strike statistics of the players playing in that LAN. You can have some schedules of the Clan Matches. You can have Clan Rankings. You can have Seeding. And you can have the individual player statistics for each and every player.

For all this to work, you need to have the following requirements

  1. The OS can be windows or Linux, but I am confining my topic to Windows here in this post.
  2. Apache Web Server Application from
  3. PHP application from
  4. MySQL application from
  5. Active Perl from
  6. Psychostats package from
The best thing about this is that all these software are available for free download.

Once you have finished downloading all the packages, its time for you to start the process.

Firstly, you have to start the Apache Application which will start a web service on your server, meaning that the application will enable the Intanet Website in your server.

Just try checking after the installation by doing this,
Type http://localhost in the IE and it should show up some page.

Then you have finished setting up a Intanet Website in your PC. Now, you need to make it much more powerful by installing php in your system.

For this just run the php package and it will end up showing a message which asks you to give the config directory of Apache. You just go till you reach conf directory in your apache installation folder.

It will make the necessary changes in the required files.

Now you need to install the MySQL database application which allows the server to run a database in the same server.

Just install the package and run the mysqld-nt.exe file with the parameter --standalone

Now you have finished the Server part. Now you need to go for the website part.

In this section, you need to install the psychostats package into the root of the website. You can change the root of the website to the directory of Psychostats/upload by going to httpd.conf file in the apache installation directory.

Now when you open http://localhost, you should see the index.php file of the Psychostats/upload folder. Make it so. And you can set the default docuent to be opened to be index.php file by changing the index.html in httpd.conf file to index.php. Better to use the search.

Now that you have fiished psychostats installation, you need to install the active perl package which will make your work by updating the database daily or timely.

Now, this is not the end, you need to enable the mysql.dll in module.ini file. of AMX MOD X

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