Friday, October 2, 2009

AMX Mod X Console Commands and Syntax

  1. CS1.6 Installed
  2. Metamod Installed
  3. AMX Mod X Installed
These are the commands you need to type in console after the installation of AMX Mod X for your CS1.6 installation. AMXX commands can be given in the console where you give the normal commads. These commands will have "amx_" prefixed in front of each command, very similar to metamod commands prefixed with "mm_". The installation post is linked below.

AMX Mod X Console Commands:
  • amx_statsx_mode
  • amx_on - Switches on AMX Plugin on the whole
  • amx_off - Switches off AMX Mod X on the whole
  • amx_pausecfg
    Usage: amx_pausecfg [name]

  • amx_time_display - Displays times in the game
  • amx_cancelvote - Cancels the result obtained from last voting
  • amx_vote - Starts a voting with the given options
    Usage: amx_vote [Question] [Ans1] [Ans2] [Ans3] - The first attribute is question
  • amx_voteban - Starts a voting for ban a player or not
    Usage: amx_voteban [Player Name]
  • amx_votekick - Voting for kick a player or not to
    Usage: amx_votekick [Player Name]
  • amx_votemap - Voting for map by showing upto 4 maps
    Usage: amx_votemap
  • amx_imessage - Sends a timely message displayed on the top of the screen to all players
    Usage: amx_imessage [mesage with quotes]
  • amx_scrollmsg - Sends a scrolling message at the bottom center to all players
    Usage: amx_scrollmsg [mesage with quotes]
  • amx_csay - Sends a massage at the top center in color
    Ex: amx_csay green Hello!!! - Green is color and Hello!!! is the actual message, use quotes if the message contains spaces.

  • amx_tsay - Sends a similar colored message but at the chat area
    Usage: amx_tsay [mesage with quotes]
  • amx_psay - Sends private message
    Usage: amx_psay

  • amx_chat - Sends message to Admins
  • amx_say - Sends message to all
    Usage: amx_say [mesage with quotes]
  • amx_plmenu_slapdmg - Sets slap damage for sequential slaps
  • amx_plmenu_bantimes - Sets time for sequential bans
  • amx_addclientmenuitem - Adds a menu item in Client Menu
    Usage: See it in the console itself
  • amx_addmenuitem - Adds a menu item in amx Menu
    Usage: See it in the console itself
  • amx_setlang - Sets the language
  • amx_help - Shows help
  • amx_last - Shows old connections saved
  • amx_nick - Changes the nick name of any player
  • amx_cfg - Takes a file as input cfg
  • amx_map - Changes map, same as "changelevel" command
    Usage: amx_map [Map Name]
  • amx_modules - Shows loaded modules
  • amx_plugins - Shows loaded plugins
  • amx_cvar - Changes the value of a cvar
  • amx_who - Shows players list and their access
  • amx_pause - Pauses the server
  • amx_leave - Takes leave tags
  • amx_slap - Slaps a player
  • amx_slay - Slays a player
  • amx_unban - Unbans a player
  • amx_addban - Adds a player by his ip or id to ban list
  • amx_banip - Adds a player to ban list by his ip
  • amx_ban - Bans a player
  • amx_kick - Kicks a player
  • amx_addadmin - Adds a player to admin list in users.ini
  • amx_reloadadmins - Reloads the admins in users.ini
AMX Mod X Console Commands for Menus
  • amxmodmenu - Shows Main Menu of AMX Mod
  • amx_menu - Shows the Clients Menu
  • amx_langmenu - Shows Language Menu
  • amx_cmdmenu - Shows Command Menu
  • amx_cfgmenu - Shows Configuration Menu
  • amx_speechmenu - Shows Speech Menu
  • amx_cvarmenu - Shows Cvar Menu
  • amx_kickmenu - Shows Kick Menu
  • amx_banmenu - Shows Ban Menu
  • amx_slapmenu - Shows Slap Menu
  • amx_teammenu - Shows Team Menu
  • amx_clcmdmenu - Shows Client Command Menu
  • amx_mapmenu - Shows Map Menu
  • amx_votemapmenu - Shows Vote Map Menu
There are many more commands for normal dedicated server. The full list of commands are listed in this post on CS1.6 Commands. Use quotes if the message or text contains spaces.

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