Thursday, August 27, 2009

Silent Hunter 4 Hamachi Networks List - Join for all Versions

Silent Hunter 4 is one of the most played games on Hamachi. The game can be played through hamachi in a very similar manner to how you play on LAN.

Coming to the Hamachi Networks of the game Silent Hunter 4, I will give suggestions of the network names and password here so that the networks can be joined by other players who browse this post.

Here are the Networks, Set all the passwords as 1.
  1. silenthunter24x7
  2. silenthunter24x7_1 - Create this network when the above network is full
  3. silenthunter24x7_2 - "
  4. silenthunter24x7_3 - "
  5. silenthunter24x7_4 - "
  6. silenthunter24x7_5 - "
  7. silenthunter24x7_6 - "
  8. silenthunter24x7_7 - "
  9. silenthunter24x7_8 - "
  10. silenthunter24x7_9 - "
  11. silenthunter24x7_10 - "
Continue the series like this so that there can be active networks always. Keep the networks active and join only one active network. Set the password as 1, so that other players can join the networks.

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