Wednesday, June 3, 2009

CS1.6 Key Binds for Warcraft FT Mod and Super Hero Mod

Dugis Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide - Download Now

Super Hero mod is a addon for AMXX. It can be downloaded from this alliedmods thread. The Warcraft also is a addon for AMX Mod X. It can be downloaded from war3ft.

Binding a Command to a Key means, using a key to give a command instead of repeatedly typing a command in the console. Like If you want to change sensitivity to 5, you can do it by typing "sensitivity 5" in the console. But whenever some one changes this you need to change back. So, you will bind this to another key say keypad 5 like this.

bind kp_5 "sensitivity 5"

So whenever you tap keypad 5 the sensitivity changes to 5.

In the same way, the command for ultimate power in warcraft is "ultimate". Now you can bind this command to some key say keypad pageup key. Do it like this,

bind kp_pgup ultimate

Thats it! Thats how we bind keys. Also, when you click your mouse, you are firing, this is becasue the fire command is bound to mouse1 key. The command for fire is +attack1. You can see this in the config.cfg.

Super Hero Mod Motd:

How to get Heroes:
As you kill opponents you gain Experience Points (XP), once you have
accumulated enough for a level up you will be able to choose a hero.
The higher the level of the person you kill the more XP you get.
The default starting point is level 0 and you cannot select any heroes.

How to use Binds:
To use some hero's powers you have to bind a key to:

In order to bind a key you must open your console and use the bind command:
bind "key" "command"

In this case the command is "+power#".

Here are some examples:
bind f +power1
bind MOUSE3 +power2

Available Say Commands:
say /superherohelp - This help menu
say /showmenu - Displays Select Super Power menu
say /herolist - Lets you see a list of heroes and powers
say /myheroes - Displays your heroes
say /clearpowers - Clears ALL powers
say /drop - Drop one power so you can pick another
say /whohas - Shows you who has a particular hero
say /playerskills [@ALL|@CT|@T|name] - Shows you what heroes other players have chosen
say /playerlevels [@ALL|@CT|@T|name] - Shows you what levels other players are

say /automenu - Enable/Disable auto-show of Select Super Power menu
say /helpon - Enable HUD Help message (by default only shown when dead)
say /helpoff - Disable HUD Help message

Mod's Official Site:

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Binds:
Ultimate is the command to use the ultimate power. Now that you know the command for the power, select a key to bind a key. Lets say Alt. Now use the following command to bind the command ultimate to alt.

bind alt ultimate

Thats it!

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