Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pink Slip in NFS Undercover - Car Selection - Lotus Eclipse

Pink Slip is the opportunity to take the rivals car when the rival is lost in the match. This will give player an additional car in his garage. The cars are very similar to the ones bought. But these cars may have upgraded previously. So, that is a better part.

Win a race after a few and there would be a first Pink Slip of all the cars participated in the racing. The opportunity should not be wasted. Which car to select is the question. The answer would be obviously Lotus Eclipse. This shows best statistical data in the indicators shown for each car. Also the look of the car is good enough.

The Handling is the major factor to be considered while selecting a car for the newbies. This is because the faster cars mostly have low handling and it makes them really heavy to drive. A faster car dashing all the path is slower than a slower car moving steadily. As said by some one "Slow and Steady Wins the Race". But for the experts, it does not matter how low the handling is, they can always take control of the car and always prefer to take the fastest and the one with good acceleration.

So, here three kinds of cars exist,
  • Ones with good handling - Good for newbies
  • Ones with good acceleration - Good for normal players
  • Ones with top speed - Good for Pros

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