Monday, August 18, 2008

Counter Strike and Condition Zero - Strategies Tips and Settings

Let us assume that a player is new to Counter Strike. Just after he and starts play for a day or two, he thinks he needs to change the sensitivity of the mouse. He thinks that this makes him faster as the mouse moves faster. But you know, he wont be able to make it better. This is because he cannot be accurate. He can aim at his enemies well but just after the enemy moves a short distance the crosshire starts to go somewhere as it is very difficult to move snall distance with high sensitivity. If you want to move crosshire an inch, it works with high sensitivity. But if you want to move the cross hire an mm, it doesnot work with high sensitivity. This is the case where you need to go for lower sensitivity.

Advantages of lower mouse sensitivity in Counter Strike:
  • As you try to aim faster, you try to move along as the cross hire does not move faster with mouse alone.
  • As you move to adjust the cross hire to aim, you will distract your enemy.
  • As your enemy gets distracted, he takes time to aim you, and you'll make it faster as you aim by moving and mouse both at a time.
This is like a bonus. If you move, you can aim faster and the enemy takes time to aim you.

Aiming vs Movement in Counter Strike:

In the game Counter Strike or Condition Zero or Half-Life for that matter, what really matters is movement more than aiming. Aiming goes up to 40% and remaining 60% is for movement. Its like the game is staying alive, not just killing. If you stay for longer time, you can get many enemies to you. And you could stay longer if you move faster.

The most important point to be remembered is that you can aim while you are moving.,but you cannot move while you are aiming. That is, if you move, cross hire moves, but if cross hire is moved you won't move.

While you are moving with SMGs, you can have a plane of bullets sprayed. This won't let the enemy to escape. If you stay static while you shoot, you enemy can easily escape.

Spraying with M4a1 and Ak47 in Counter Strike:

Spraying with M4a1 and Ak47 is all right. If the target is too close to you, just spray off. If he is at a medium distance, you can spray but only in the case of M4a1. Don't spray the mediu targets with Ak47. You may not spray for farer targets.

Spraying leaves a area of bullets. This randomness is more for Ak47 and less for M4a1.

Ideal Click Rate for balancing Recoil and accuracy:

If recoil is more, accuracy is lost. So don't just go on spraying all the time. Click for shots at ideal intervals. Like with the Maverick(M4a1), you can give 3 bullets continuously and then 2 bullets slowly per secong. Ideal click rate for M4a1 would be 4-5 Clicks per second. And in the case of Ak47 it will be 2-3 bullets per second. Increase in speed more than this would result in too much of recoil. Of course, If you are aiming on his legs than you can even go for spraying to have a head shot.

Playing with the Pistol:

Playing with pistols is always good. But make sure that you go for the shots at the neck, where you have a good chance of getting head shots without losing aim.

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