- CS1.6 Installed
- Metamod Installed
- AMX Mod X Installed
AMX Mod X Console Commands:
- amx_statsx_mode
- amx_on - Switches on AMX Plugin on the whole
- amx_off - Switches off AMX Mod X on the whole
- amx_pausecfg
Usage: amx_pausecfg
[name] - amx_time_display - Displays times in the game
- amx_cancelvote - Cancels the result obtained from last voting
- amx_vote - Starts a voting with the given options
Usage: amx_vote [Question] [Ans1] [Ans2] [Ans3] - The first attribute is question
- amx_voteban - Starts a voting for ban a player or not
Usage: amx_voteban [Player Name]
- amx_votekick - Voting for kick a player or not to
Usage: amx_votekick [Player Name]
- amx_votemap - Voting for map by showing upto 4 maps
Usage: amx_votemap
- amx_imessage - Sends a timely message displayed on the top of the screen to all players
Usage: amx_imessage [mesage with quotes]
- amx_scrollmsg - Sends a scrolling message at the bottom center to all players
Usage: amx_scrollmsg [mesage with quotes]
- amx_csay - Sends a massage at the top center in color
Ex: amx_csay green Hello!!! - Green is color and Hello!!! is the actual message, use quotes if the message contains spaces.
- amx_tsay - Sends a similar colored message but at the chat area
Usage: amx_tsay [mesage with quotes]
- amx_psay - Sends private message
Usage: amx_psay
- amx_chat - Sends message to Admins
- amx_say - Sends message to all
Usage: amx_say [mesage with quotes]
- amx_plmenu_slapdmg - Sets slap damage for sequential slaps
- amx_plmenu_bantimes - Sets time for sequential bans
- amx_addclientmenuitem - Adds a menu item in Client Menu
Usage: See it in the console itself
- amx_addmenuitem - Adds a menu item in amx Menu
Usage: See it in the console itself
- amx_setlang - Sets the language
- amx_help - Shows help
- amx_last - Shows old connections saved
- amx_nick - Changes the nick name of any player
- amx_cfg - Takes a file as input cfg
- amx_map - Changes map, same as "changelevel" command
Usage: amx_map [Map Name]
- amx_modules - Shows loaded modules
- amx_plugins - Shows loaded plugins
- amx_cvar - Changes the value of a cvar
- amx_who - Shows players list and their access
- amx_pause - Pauses the server
- amx_leave - Takes leave tags
- amx_slap - Slaps a player
- amx_slay - Slays a player
- amx_unban - Unbans a player
- amx_addban - Adds a player by his ip or id to ban list
- amx_banip - Adds a player to ban list by his ip
- amx_ban - Bans a player
- amx_kick - Kicks a player
- amx_addadmin - Adds a player to admin list in users.ini
- amx_reloadadmins - Reloads the admins in users.ini
- amxmodmenu - Shows Main Menu of AMX Mod
- amx_menu - Shows the Clients Menu
- amx_langmenu - Shows Language Menu
- amx_cmdmenu - Shows Command Menu
- amx_cfgmenu - Shows Configuration Menu
- amx_speechmenu - Shows Speech Menu
- amx_cvarmenu - Shows Cvar Menu
- amx_kickmenu - Shows Kick Menu
- amx_banmenu - Shows Ban Menu
- amx_slapmenu - Shows Slap Menu
- amx_teammenu - Shows Team Menu
- amx_clcmdmenu - Shows Client Command Menu
- amx_mapmenu - Shows Map Menu
- amx_votemapmenu - Shows Vote Map Menu
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