Saturday, September 20, 2008

Age of Empires Scenarios Complete Help Topic

1. CBF - Castle Blood Fair

All players have 7 castles, unlimited resources, 2 re-spawning palladins.
In the Game:
Create units and start attacking. You have a blacksmith use it. King behind your base will count kills and shows the kills as his name. When you kill 500 units you get a villager and one more for 600 kills. Build buildings and create different units. You cannot build castles.
Win by destroying 7 Castles of your opponent.

Re-spawning Unit: Unit reappears at the base if he is killed.

2. Mini CB - Mini Castle Blood:

Unlike the Normal CBF Mini CB will have only 2 castles, a hero who have increasing Hit Points and Attack Power with time, 2 respawning palladins.
In Game:
You will get blacksmith for 25 kills and many more units for many kills like - Monkey(9 hp, 99 ap, 99/99 armour), william wallace(800 hp, 330 ap, with champion appearance), Sabateur( kills a mass of upto 50 units instantaneously, appears like a petard)and many more.

Mini CB Store Versions

This is same as above but you also have kings in the store where you can buy Heros. The flag infront of them shows how many kings they need. If you put the kings on the flags, you will lose king and get that unit in your base. You will get kings generally for every 100 kills and for every 3 razings only upto 9 razings(A gate is considered a building).

Mini CB USS style

In some versions you will get a spot in front of your gate where if your units stand they increase their AattackPower

4. Rambit CB Gold

In these you will have 2 Castles in the base and many towers in the battle field, a wonder to be protected.
In Game:
You will get kings for every 50 kills up to 2000 kills and for every 2 razings up to 20 razings. After this you will get a king every 2 mins. You can buy heros, villagers, castles etc. with these kings.
Win by destroying the wonder of any player.

5. Pathblood


You will have some units placed in paths behind your base, a tower in the battle field.
In Game:
Using a petard, destroy a wall in front any unit and that unit moves to a place of 4 torches. Put that unit in the four torches and he will be cloned in your base. Use your units to kill more units and you will get more petards, a petard after 100 kills. More petards would yield you much stronger units. You get some benefits for razing the buildings also.
Finally destroy the tower in the enemy’s base to defeat him. And hence you must protect your tower.

6. TD - Tower Defence

You will have some villagers, some trade carts, some trade cogs, a university, a blacksmith.
In Game:
Use all those to generate resources. The enemy units try to pass to a particular point. You should kill them before they pass. You can build towers to kill them. You will get kings use them to buy attack power of the towers and to change ages.
If some number of units(number depends on the game) pass to the point you lose.

7.Warrior Defence

Villagers, Trade Carts, Trade Cogs, University, Blacksmith.
In Game:
Very similar to above one but you will also have units to buy. You can buy them for resources. To buy put the king in front of the unit and then you lose resources and you get that unit. They can obstruct the enemy units to pass to the destination. Use them wisely.
Avoid units to pass through a point. As long as you do it, you survive.

8.UDP - You(U) the(Da) Prey(P)

All players except one get a Hero. One player gets units all along the map, he is the hunter.
In Game:
A hunter is selected by the person who hosts the game. The remaining players will have a unit, a Hero. When a unit kills the hunter unit, he gets stronger, he also gets resources. The resources are to buy more units.
The aim is to destroy the hunter’s base. Hunter tries to kill all other players’ units.

9. Capture Blood

Kill: Upgrade
10: +1 Defense Bonus (Blacksmith Upgrades)

25: Feudal Age (Scout Upgrade)

50: +1 Attack Bonus (Blacksmith Upgrades)

75: Pikeman Upgrade

100: Elite Skirmisher Upgrade

125: Crossbowman Upgrade

150: Eagle Warrior Unit

175: +1 Defense Bonus 2 (Blacksmith Upgrades)

200: Light Cavalry Upgrade

225: +1 Attack Bonus 2 (Blacksmith Upgrades)

250: Arbalest Upgrade

275: Plumed Archer Unit

300: Long Swordesman

350: +1 Defense Bonus 3 (Blacksmith Upgrades)

400: Halberdier Upgrade

450: +1 Attack Bonus 3 (Blacksmith Upgrades)

500: Cavalry Archer Unit

550: Berserk Unit

600: Elite Longbowman Unit

650: Woad Raider Unit

700: Elite Eagle Warrior Upgrade

750: Jaguar Warrior Unit

800: Heavy Cavalry Archer Upgrade

850: Throwing Axeman Unit900: Champion Upgrade

950: Mameluke Unit1000: Jannisary Unit

Razing: Upgrade

1: 3 Petards + 1 Saboteur

2: Tarkan Unit + 1 Saboteur

4: Bombard Tower + 1 Saboteur
10. Celebrity Blood

You play this scenario by putting your king on a flag to make units only 12 will work in the beginning

The tall flags make archers,the short riped flags make infantry,the standard flag(the one with the 6 marks on it)make cavalry,the tourches make seige,the flags on the ground are for heros but you can only use them by getting food,and the nine bands are for the best units.
The object is to destroy the enemy's castle and king and to make sure you don't lose yours

You will get upgrades with every 100 kills:

300=Woad Raiders,Huskarls
400=Berserkers,Plumed Archers
500=Samurais,Throwing Axemen
600=Chu Ko Nus,Jaguar Warriors
800=Mamelukes,Teutonic Knights
1100=War Wagons,War Elephants
1300=William Wallace
1400=Genghis Kahn
1500=Jean De Lorrain

Getting certain resourses will get you upgrades too:

2000 Food=Joan Of Arc
4000 Food=La Hire
6000 Food=Hrolf the Ganger
2000 Stone=2 Bombard towers
4000 Stone=2 Bombard towers
6000 Stone=2 more Bombard towers
5000 Gold= 1 Trebuchet
10000 Gold= 1 God Sling
15000 Gold= 2 God Slings

11. Heros Fest VII

Every 50 kills the Hero's will change (Except for Genghis Khan and the Power up In the Center)Objective: Kill enemies castles and protect his own castles.
50 = Aethelfirth
100 = Minamoto
150 = Archer of the Eye
200 = Scythian Scout
250 = Kitabatake
300 = Gawain
350 = Charlemagne
400 = Erik the Red
450 = Robin Hood
500 = El Cid
550 = Joan of Arc
600 = Theodoric the Goth
650 = Subotai
700 = Harald Hardraade
750 = William Wallace
800 = Charles Martel
950 = Genghis Khan
1800 = Power Up In the Center
2500 = Saboteurs

12. Paintball V6

Best way to play is to use your hand cannoneers to fight and protect your Super Janissary by keeping him hidden or behind the fighting untill he upgrades. you will get 5 more hand cannoners at your base every minutes untill you get 150 kills then conquistadors. Kill all enemy Super Janissaries to win. You should be Spanish or you wont upgrade to Elite Conquistadors. Deleting your outpost causes all enemy and ally units inside your base to convert to you.

13. PoolBlood V6.6

You must protect your tower at all costs. If you lose your tower, you will lose the game. You must destroy all enemy towers and be the last man standing to win the game.

1) Cloning:
On your island where you first start with 3 units, select one and move him into the 4 torches. The sector of the 4 torches is the location where the game will clone your units into your base.

2) Trading in units for Horses or Trade Carts
When you accumulate too many units on the cloning island and you do not need them, you may trade them in for either 2 horses or 2 trade carts to lower the population. 2 horses appear on the left side of the map while 2 trade carts appear on the right side of the map. Horses are used for buying technologies, and Trade carts are used for buying Items.

3) Buying Technologies
On the right side of the map where you will then see the technology store, place a horse in front of the technology you would want to purchase. It is essential to buy technologies to strengthen your units on the battlefield.

4) Buying ItemsOn the right side of the map where the Item Store is located, place a trade cart in front of the item you want to purchase.

5) Buying Heroes
On the top side of the map where the Hero Store is located, simply move a king to the hero you desire to purchase. Heroes purchased will end up in the cloning island, where units may be duplicated.

6) Middle Bonus
Moving your units into the Pool, where middle bonus is offered, can strengthen them by adding 1 attack point every 4 game seconds.

7) Casting Spells
The small strip of land between your cloning island and base is your Spells island, where you use your monks to summon powerful spells. One monk can be submitted to cast one spell. Monks will respawn every 2,000 game seconds, or you may purchase them on the Item Store if desired.

Frozen Ray - Grants you immunity to Fire Rays for up to 700 game seconds. (equivalent to 5 minutes)
Ray of Fire - Sends a powerful fire ray to an enemy's base. All enemy units in the base are then killed.*
SuperNova - Creates a violent explosion in the swimming pool killing all enemies nearby.
Panic Annihilation - Kills all enemies in your base with a flush of plasma.
Elixir of Tonicity - Your units get invincibility for 15 seconds.

8) Ray of Fire Island
This small island on the bottom left of the map is where you will receive one Emperor in a Barrel in exchange of a monk. Moving your Barrel to an enemy pallisade will then cast the ray of fire spell against him.

*If you are caught blocking in any sectors of this map you will be marked off a warning by the game administrator. Please cast the spell once you get the barrel!

9) Kill Counter v 1.2
On the Bottom Right of the map lies the island called the Kill Counter. It records every player's kill statistics. Here you will see how many kills the player has and what prize you get from that amount of kills. Like a race, get as many kills as you can!

10) Razing Counter v 1.1
Near your Cloning island lies a small island with a king. Clicking on the king indicates your current razings. Do not be mistaken: Every prize is given off by every 2 razings. See hints for more details.

14. Sheep Blood

-Walk on sand on the islands to upgrade unit HP
-Walk between torches in the middle to upgrade unit Attack.
-Putting the sheep in front of the statues will create elite units.
-Sheep will explode and destroy gates when walked into them.
-Players can control the sheep for 5 minutes at a time.
-If a player's sheep is killed anyone waiting for the sheep to respawn will be toasted.
-Destroy the accursed towers to defeat that player.
-Reinforcements appear every 5 minutes.

80 kills = 1 villager
150 kills = 2 villagers
250 kills = 1 villager plus 500 stone
300 kills = Spies
350 kills = Furious the monkey boy (continuous)
450 kills = Saboteur
500 kills = Ghengis Khan

15. Spider Blood

Put Unit On Flag To Get That Unit, Kill Enemy Units To Get Better Units, Get Powerups, Powerup Your Units, Kill Enemy Pyramids...

16. Xero TD

- 1 vs 7, an enemy and 7 allies
- 18 levels of non stop enemy
- Each level gets stronger and stronger
- Good way to go is to upgrade real fast
Buy with Number of Relics:
1 - Villagers
2 - Monks
3 - Halbs
4 - Skirmishers
5 - Jannisary
6 - Plumbed Archers
7 - Mangudai8 - Samurai
9 - Teutonic Knights
10 - Woad Raiders
11 - Eagle Warriors
12 - Huskarl
13 - Tarkans
14 - Paladins
15 - War Wagons
16 - William Wallace
17 - Alexander Nevski
18 - Scythian Scout


AoE 2: The Conquerors - GamePark Mappack 3
Mappack contains these maps:

Archers Hellfire
Cavalry Blood
Celebrity Blood
Chaos Blood [Zan,Twist]
Chaos Blood Remix
Crazy Blood
DIY Blood
Dome Blood - fixed by Rambit
Dome Blood~Devl&BIG
Dual Blood
Elefant Wars
Eternal Blood III
F4st Blood
Flame of Eternity
Fury Blood
Germs Blood
Germs Blood 2 (Heros)
Germs Blood 3 (Archers)
Germs Blood 4
Gwarz Blood
Hero Fest
Holy Blood
King of Towers X
Kings Moves
Mafia Blood
Magic Mats
Mosque Blood
Path Blood
Phat Blood
Pool Blood
Rain God Island Smosh
Rain Smosh
Sheep Blood
Smosh (V11)
Smosh (v13) perfection fix
Soldier Store perfection
Soldier Store No Horses
Spider Blood - Spa7e's fix
SS perfection no Horses
Uobtex BT
Veteran Blood perfection
Veteran Blood - no woad rush
Yeomen Blood perfection
++++++Castle Bloods++++++
Castle Blood II Auto
Castle Blood Fair
Castle Blood Fair 7
Castle Blood Millenium
Castle Blood Z - 2006
Excalibur V
F3tt's Castle Blood
HC 1v1 Castle Blood
Mini CB Classic
Mini CB Store
Rambit Castle Blood Final
Rambit Castle Blood II
++++++TD & PTO++++++
Brasil TD
Dome TD
Domination PTO
Dual PTO
Flix Hero Deffence
PTO Paradise
PTO Starlight Dance - Blank
Rambit TD Revamp II
Teams TD - 4 Player
Teams TD - 8 Player
Warriors Deffence
Xero TD
~Simpsons RPG
Battle Bots Revolution
Dodge Ball
Jail Break
Laser Tag
Monk Race
Protect the King
Race of War
Team War (Snow)
Team War (Swamp)
Team War (Desert)
Team War (Jungle)
Treasure Island

Age of Empires II Conquerors Scenarios from

How to Play CS1.6 - Warcraft3FT, CS Death Match, GunGame - Help Topic

Zygor In-Game Alliance and Horde World of Warcraft 1-80 Levelling Guide - Buy Now!

For installation of the three Plugins use the site search. You will get the complete help on each topic of the plugin installation.

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne:

  1. You will have some races and heros to be selected in the start of the map.
  2. Based on the race and hero selected, you will get some unique skills.
  3. You can upgrade your skills with XP - Experience.
  4. You gain XP with damage you have done.
  5. You get your Ultimate skill after some upgrades of skills.
  6. You can use the ultimate skill to kill the enemies much efficiently.
  7. You also get a Shopmenu to buy powers.

what you need to know:

  1. bind the keys for five commands which you can use (ultimate, shopmenu, shopmenu2, skillsinfo, playerskills). (For help on binding a key see other pages of the blog)
  2. Type this in the console "bind alt ultimate". Press "alt" key to use your ultimate skill.
  3. Type this in the console "bind f3 shopmenu". Press "F3" key to get your shopmenu.
  4. Type this in the console "bind f4 shopmenu2". Press "F4" key to get your shopmenu2.
  5. Type this in the console "bind o skillsinfo". Press "o" key to see your skills.
  6. Type this in the console "bind p playerskills". Press "p" key to others skills.

Only for server: Download Warcraft3FT


  1. You will start with glock.
  2. Your gun will upgrade for number of kills. Generally for every 2 kills.
  3. Finally a kill must be made with knife and the player wins.
  4. You respawn if you die.
  5. You will be spawning at random locations in the map to avoid continuously being killed by some camper in the TSpawn or CTSpawn.

Only for server: Download GunGame

Counter-Strike Death Match (CSDM):

  1. Just go on killing.
  2. You will respawn if you die.
  3. You will be spawning at random locations in the map to avoid continuously being killed by some camper in the TSpawn or CTSpawn.

Only for server: Download CSDM

Counter Strike 1.6, CS:Condition Zer Settings for LAN Play and Clan Matches and HLTV

For normal LAN play you can directly start a listen server with following settings

For reducing lag,
  • fps_max 100
  • Video Resolution 1024x768
  • Video Depth 32 Bit
  • Video Mode OpenGL
  • Freechase cam
  • Spectate anyone

If you are using 16 bit video, it is called as 16 bitting where you can see the people through the smoke. It is better to practice with 32 bit video.

How players join through LAN,

When you are on a Local Area Network, If you start a Server people will be able to join your server from servers searched under the LAN tab. If they start any HLTV you will get the HLTV proxies in the same LAN tab.


HLTV is a very efficient tool for hosting a HLTV Proxy which allows others to watch a Clan Match into which they are not directly allowed to spectate as a normal spectator.

  1. Each HLTV Proxy allows some hundreds of spectators.
  2. HLTV Recorded Demos have Multipoint view so that you can record videos in multipoint views of a single instant.

Clan Matches:

Settings in Clan Matches include,

  • Friendly Fire 0ff
  • Round Time 2
  • C4 timer 35
  • Locked Chase cam
  • Spectate Team Mates only
  • tkpunish off
  • idle kick off
  • auto kick off
  • Gravity 800
  • water acceleration constant

Clan Match Rules include

  • Maximun rounds
  • Maximum time
  • Win limit etc

Better to use all the settings for practice matches same as the settings in clan matches.

A best Plugin for hosting Clan Matches is AMX Match Deluxe. Current Version is 8.11.

CS1.6 GUIs

  • SK GUI

These are some GUI which you can download and add to your cs1.6 installation to set the setting automatically.

All the settings are stored in config files. Some config files are shown below,

  • Config.cfg - main config for Cstrike present in Cstrike folder
  • Userconfig.cfg - Additional config for Cstrike present in Cstrike folder
  • amxx.cfg - Main config for AMX MOD X present in addons\amxmodx\configs\ folder

Plugin For Practice

There is a plugin for practicing headshots. This will allow only headshots and no other hits are valid. The player gets hit only for a headshot. Install this. Search "install addons" in site search for that page.


ClanMod - an Addon for Metamod

ClanMod is graetly simple and very easy to use mod for maintaining Listen Servers.

Installation of ClanMod:
ClanMod installation is very simple,
  1. Extract the ClanMod package
  2. Paste the Foldr in the addons folder
  3. Add a line to the plugins.ini files of the Metamod in the Metamod folder
  4. Line looks like this "win32 \clanmod\dlls\clanmod_mm.dll"
  5. Also you need to create an Admin.
  6. For this see the documentation.

ClanMod Documentation:

You will get the required inforamtion there. The following information is for Clan Matches and Stuff.

I have tried to get the support for the Clan Matches. I was not able to host the clan matches perfecttly. In my view a good Clan Match Mod, should contain the each every step as indicated below.

  1. Should take the clan tags of CT and T
  2. Should start the match with a warmup mode and then with a knive round
  3. It must guide all the way through the game.
  4. When someone wins, it should show the Motd and stop the game.
  5. It should ask for the map cycle.
  6. It should show the complete statistics after the Clan Match.
  7. The statistics must include weapon stats also.

Many of these features are possed by AMX Clan Match Deluxe Plugin. It has a Menu which guides us everything.

you can download the AMX Clan Match Deluxe Plugin here

Hope you will make everything simpler than what you were doing before.

Binding a key in Half Life - Counter Strike - Must Haves of a CS 1.6 Listen Server

Binding a key in Half Life - Counter Strike means just assigning a command to the keyboard keys.

Console: Console is the interface where you can give a command. You can get the console by tapping the "`" key, the key left to "1" key.

You can bind the keys using the console commands. Or if you want the keys to be used permanently you can add the commands in the config.cfg in the cstrike folder.

This is the command to bind a key. bind
Ex: bind p "say hello"
Meaning assingn the command "say hello" to key "p".

Sample commands in the console:
  1. bind p "say hello" - when ever you tap the p key, it says hello in the chat.
  2. bind kp_del "sv_restart 1" - When ever you tap "del" in the Numpad it will restart the server.
  3. bind kp_5 "record map1" - Record a demo named map1.dem

So, this is how you bind a key.

The commands that a Counter Strike Listen Server must have to be used very frequently.

  1. amxmodmenu - Brings up AMX MOD X Menu (Requires AMX Addon)
  2. clanmodmenu - Brings up ClanMod Menu (Requires Clan Mod)
  3. amx_menu - Brings up client command Menu
  4. amx_gungame_vote - Brings up a vote for GunGame
  5. wc3_enable - Enables warcraft 3 Mod
  6. war3menu - Brings up Warcraft 3 Menu
  7. skillsinfo - Used to see own skills (In case of Warcraft Mod)
  8. playerskills - Shows other players skills (In case of Warcraft Mod)
  9. ultimate - uses ultimate skill (In case of Warcraft Mod)
  10. shopmenu - brings up power buy menu (In case of Warcraft Mod)
  11. shopmenu2 - brings up power buy menu2 (In case of Warcraft Mod)
  12. wc3_disable - Disables warcraft 3 Mod
  13. csdm_enable - Enables Counter Strike Death Match
  14. csdm_disable - Disables Counter Strike Death Match

For Plugins Download and Installation serach the blog. Site Search is the best way of navigation.

You can bind these to the following keys in the Numpad as shown,

  1. bind kp_home csdm_enable
  2. bind kp_leftarrow csdm_disable
  3. bind kp_uparrow amx_gungame_vote
  4. bind kp_pgup wc3_enable
  5. bind kp_rightarrow wc3_disable

The Listen Server becomes so easy to operate that you will lose no time opening the console.

You can bind keys to chagelevels, change other setttings of the game.

For some more help... comment here...

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Plugin for AMX MOD X of Counter Strike (CS1.6)

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne is a famous and very widely used plugin for Counter Strike 1.6 which runs on AMX MOD X.

Download it here

How to Play:
  1. You have some races to be selected at the start of the map.
  2. Once you select a race you get some unique skills based on the race.
  3. You achieve your skills as you get XP.
  4. XP is obtained based on the damage you do.
  5. You reach an ultimate skill once you get to some level of your skills
  6. You can use your skills and ultimate skill to kill your enemies.

How to install:

  1. Extract the package
  2. Paste sound files in sound directory of amxmodx in cstrike
  3. Paste sprites folders in sprites folders of cstrike
  4. Similarly, Paste all the corresponding files and folders into the particluar folders of Cstrike
  5. Now, compile the source file in the scripting folder of amxmodx. This can be done by running compile.exe application present in the same scripting folder.
  6. Now, you will get the output file in the "compiled" folder in the same in the scripting folder. The output files are .amxx files.
  7. Put the output wc3ft.amxx in the plugins folder.
  8. Now add a line in the plugins.ini file like this at the end "war3ft.amxx"
  9. save the file.
  10. Start playing.

The Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Mod comands are

  1. wc3_enable - Enables the mod
  2. wc3_disable - Disables the mod
  3. war3menu - Menu

Installing Plugins for AMX MOD X and Compiling AMX MOD X Source files

Installation and Compiling AMX MOD X Plugins

Plugins like Counter Strike Death Match, GunGame, Warcraft, Clan Match, Pychostats are to be installed in the amx folders to get the plugin running this is done in the following way...

Most Played Plugins:
  1. Counter Strike Death Match
  2. GunGame
  3. Warcraft3 Frozen Throne
  4. Warcraft3 Ultimate
*.amxx files (actual usage)
*.sma files (source files)
*.amxx files (output files)

These are the folders you get when you install AMX MOD X in your Counter Strike server. The tree should appear like this.

Now, if you want to install any plugin, you need to to get the package first. Any normal installation includes running an executable file to install the required package. But in the case of the counter strike addons it is not simple. Of course it is simple to install these packages. The package generally contains a source file and a compiled file. The source file is .sma file, and te compiled file is .amxx file.

The home of all the source files is SCRIPTING folder under the AMX MOD X folder of ADDONS of CSTRIKE. That is C:\Program Files\Valve\Cstrike\Addons\Amxmodx\Scripting\*.sma files


  1. In the SCRIPTING folder, there is an executable file called "compile.exe" and a folder called "Compiled".
  2. Put the *.sma files in the scripting folder.
  3. Run the compile.exe file
  4. Go to Compiled folder
  5. Get the *.amxx files


  1. Put the *.amxx files in Plugins folder under amxmodx folder.
  2. The filename of the plugin should be added to "plugins.ini" in configs folder of amxmodx folder. For example "csdm_main.amxx" is to be added to the "plugins.ini" file to start deathmatch, where the plugin exists in the plugins folder.
  3. Add each line for each plugin in plugins.ini file in configs folder of amxmodx.
  4. The plugins.ini file is the connection between plugins and amxmodx.
  5. to remove the plugin, there is no need to remove the complete filename, just add ";" in front of the file name in "plugins.ini" folder.
  6. Looks like this ";csdm_main.amxx"

This is how you add plugins to AMX MOD X.

For example, try compiling the death match plugin source and run Counter Strike death match in your server. Try installing GunGame on your server by compiling the source which you get in a package. To get the Counter Strike-Death Match, and GunGame complete help see my blog pages. Use the search.

Counter Strike: Condition Zero Metamod, AMX Mod X, Admin Mod and Add-ons.

Apart from it being a great game, there are many more add-ons for Counter Strike 1.6 (CS1.6) and Counter Strike: Condition Zero(CSCZ). These add-ons are third party plug-ins created for better game play. One of these add-ons is AMX Mod X and the other is Admin Mod. These are the most widely used and comprises of many advantages in the game play.

Metamod is the dll file use to modulate the game. This will add a great flexibilty to the game management. The so called addons like AMX MOD X and Admin Mod both are based on the basic level of the management the Metamod.
Metamod Addons:

Metamod plugins include the following

  1. Admin Mod
  2. AMX
  3. AMX MOD X
  4. ClanMod
  5. Cheating-Death
  6. Podbots
  7. Statsme
  8. Chicken Mod
  9. WebMod
Admin Mod installation:

You can Admin Mod from this website

The installation is easy, which uses java script to install Admin Mod automatically.

AMX Mod X Installation:

You can Download AMX MOD X from this website

Install it as follows:

The setup file you download installs AMX MOD X installer. Then run the installer.exe. It shows the following window during its installation. If you use the amx for hosting a normal gaming server in your PC for your local area network(LAN), select the last option “Select mod directory.”

Now install folder selected should be “CSTRIKE” or “CZERO” folder respectively for CS and CZ.

That’s all installation is complete. To verify the work, start new multiplayer game, open the console(by pressing ~ button beside 1) just type amx, you should get the words shown below. Type amxx plug-ins, it will show the pugins installed, check in the Mod you have installed AMX i.e CS1.6 or CSCZ.

AMX Mod X Advantages:

AMX MOD X helps in controlling the game options. You can type AMX commands in the console to control the game options. Also it will show up a menu by typing the command "amxmodmenu" in the console.

Some amx commands:
amxmodmenu - Shows a menu of AMX MOD X, Simple and Easy.
amx_statscfgmenu - shows a menu to configure statistics.
amx_map mapname - changes map
amx_vote q op1 op2 - displays a vote to the players
amx_pausecfg - to pause the game.

Using its features:

The AMX Mod X uses other plugins also to make the game play different than normal. You can slap, slay, kick, ban other players. Stats plugins can also be used to show the statistics of game play like ranks of the players. Some plugins can be added to change the game play. For example, Death Match plugin, Gun Game plugin, etc.

Installed AMX Mod X would create an “addons” folder in CSTRIKE or CZERO folder in which ever you have selected.


*.amxx files (actual usage)
*.sma files (source files)
*.amxx files (output files)
Now that you have installed AMX MOD X, you need to know how to install the addons.
AMX MOD X Plugins:
  1. Counter Strike Death Match (CSDM)
  2. GunGame
  3. Warcraft
  4. ATAC
  5. Psychostats
Installing Addons:
Addons are the additional plugins for AMX MOD X which will change the game play of the games you have installed on. Addons like GunGame and DeathMatch are very famous and most widely used for Gameplay.
For Example Installing the Counter Strike Death Match for AMX MOD X
  1. Download the package from
  2. You will get the following in the package
    csdm_mod.amxx etc.
  3. Put the “csdm” folder in “…\amxmodx\” folder. This folder is needed for random spawn points.
  4. Put the csdm_mod.amxx in “plugins” folder, and add the text line “csdm_mod.amxx”in the end of plugins.ini. If this does not work in the game, compile the csdm_mod.sma, and put the output file csdm_mod.amxx in the plugins folder.
    Compiling: Put the csdm_mod.sma in scripting folder, run compile.exe. Output files will be placed in “compiled” folder.
  5. Restart the game, restart a multiplayer game. You should get the Death Match directly. You can disable the csdm by adding a “;” semicolon in front of the line csdm_mod.amxx in plugins.ini file.

Installing any addon includes placing the folders in their perticular location and placing the .amxx files and .sma files in their locations. Also compiling the source.

Friday, September 19, 2008

AMX Clan Match Deluxe Plugin Installation and Usage for Counter Strike 1.6

AMX Match Deluxe is a plugin for CS1.6 and CS:Condition Zero for hosting a clan match in the server. This plugin has a config loaded when the match starts which will setup all the settings for a aclan match.

I am trying the simplest possible explanation.

How to Install:
  1. AMX Match Deluxe plugin can be downloaded from forums of alliedmoderators and the download link is here : Download

  2. This package works on AMX MOD X 1.75 or more. So Download the latest version of AMX MOD X link is : Download (See AMX MOD X Installation page of this blog for complete help on AMX MOD X installation)

  3. Install AMX MOD X. This Mod is must.

  4. Now, in your package you see some files. Extract the package, and put the files and folders in corresponding folders of the game installation.

  5. Note these Points 6-7:

  6. If you have game installed in C:\Program Files\Valve... then you will find two folders by the name CSTRIKE and CZERO in the Valve folder.

  7. Now, when you install AMX MOD X, the installation will create a ADDONS folder in CSTRIKE or CZERO, into which ever you install it.

  8. The AMX Match Deluxe Package which you have downloaded also contains the ADDONS folder. Just put the folders accordingly in the installed ADDONS folder.
  9. Compiling the Source:
  1. Now, after finishing copying complete package, you need to compile the source. You might have already pasted a file named amx_match_deluxe.amxx in the plugins folder under Addons>Amxmod. This is enough some times. But many times you need to compile the source and replace the plugin with the plugin you got after compiling.

  2. How to Compile the Source:(See compiling amx sources page of this blog for complete help on Compiling AMX MOD X plugin sources)
  3. You have the source named amx_match_deluxe.sma, Now you might have already placed it in the scripting folder of amxmod folder.
  4. Now, run the compile.exe in the scripting folder. The output will be present in COMPILED folder of SCRIPTING folder.
  5. Place the output(.amxx file) in PLUGINS folder of amxmod.
  6. Finalizing:
  1. Now that you have finished all. Last step is letting the amx know that there is a plugin called amx_match_deluxe.amxx and running it.
  2. This is done by adding a small line "amx_match_deluxe.amxx" in the plugins.ini file under CONFIGS Folder of amxmod. To disable add ";" before the line like this ";amx_match_deluxe.amxx" in plugins.ini file.
  3. Start the Game.
Usage of AMX Match Deluxe:
  1. Type the command "amx_match CTname Tname mr10 ecup recboth" in the console. Now the server starts the match plugin and locks the game with some password. So type this only after everyone has joined the game. The game name is changed to "CTname Vs Tname Clan Match"
  2. Here mr10 in the comands means maximum rounds are 10 as ct and 10 as t. who ever wins the highest rounds win.
  3. Here CTname is name of ct clan, and Tname is t clan.
  4. There would a worm up round.
  5. There would be a knive round.
  6. The game can also be set to maximum time "mt
  7. Read the readme now, and you will understand everything.
This Clan Match plugin from AMXX is really cool to use. It shows the number of games won by each team in the bttom left corner. And it will also show the clan names at top left corner.

Mostly I will add a screenshot of the game, sooner or later.

Writing Your Own AMXX Plugins, All you need is C++ and AMXX Documentation

You can write your own amxx plugins just by opening the amxmodx studio and writing a program in it. You also need to know the commands which will interact with the library modules. Like,
You can get the documentation at
some sample functions:
  1. cs_get_user_deaths
  2. cs_get_user_money
  3. cs_get_user_bpammo
  4. ...

There are some hundreds of functions like this. Using these functions you should get the information and you can make your own game play.